Cookies Policy

This information relates to the site (Site) and is provided by Il Casale srls, registered office in Via Giovanni XXIII, 179 - 66038 San Vito Chietino (CH), share capital. 7,500 Eurp, CF / VAT number 02724320698, Cam.Com REA CH-416756, as Data Controller of personal data (hereinafter referred to as GustAbruzzo).

  1. What are cookies and what are they used for

A cookie is a text file that a website visited by the user sends to his terminal (computer, mobile device such as smartphone or tablet), where it is stored before being re-transmitted to that site during a subsequent visit to the site.

Thanks to the use of cookies, the Site is able to identify users who access it, in order to improve the browsing experience of the identified user. To prevent the storage of cookies on your terminal and browser, a user must disable them.

  1. Types of cookies

Cookies are distinguished from each other, first of all, based on the person who installs them on the user's terminal. Cookies can, in fact, be installed by the same operator of the site that the user is visiting (so-called "first-party cookies") or by a different site, which installs cookies through the first site (so-called "third-party cookies" part").

Cookies are also distinguished according to their functions. Particularly

    • Technical / functional cookies.. They can be either session cookies (e.g. cookies that are automatically deleted when the browser is closed) or lasting, which are used to remember the information used between two distinct accesses. These cookies are used only to allow the user to navigate or to provide a service requested by the user. They remember the information that the user provides while browsing the pages of the Site. They include, for example, cookies that allow you to make a purchase, that allow you to authenticate to restricted areas or that memorize the language and nationality selected by the user at the time. in which he visited the Site.
    • Analytical / performance / statistical cookies. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how they move around our Site during its use. This helps us to improve how our Site works, for example, by making sure that users find what they are looking for easily.
    • Profiling and marketing cookies. They can be both ours and those of third parties and are used to analyze the interests and browsing habits of individual users, in order to personalize their browsing and deliver, for example, content, including advertising, targeted to particular interests.

Only third-party profiling cookies and analytical cookies require the user's prior consent to use them.

The Site uses first-party technical cookies, for whose installation no consent is required from the user, as well as analytical and third-party profiling cookies which, on the other hand, require consent to use them.

  1. Method to give consent to profiling and analytical cookies
    1. On the occasion of the first visit to the Site, you can accept all or part of the cookies through the banner on the Site.
    2. On the occasion of the first visit, to the Site, alternatively, you can access this extended information from the banner and interact with the individual consent forms found at the following link "Customize Cookie" to lend and / or deny and / or revoke the consent given to the installation of the different cookies
    3. On subsequent visits to the Site (provided that you have previously expressed your preference regarding the use of cookies, as indicated in points 3.1 and 3.2 above), you can access the extended information through the Cookie Policy link, present in the footer of the Site and deny / withdraw consent to cookies for which consent is required through this link: "Customize Cookie".
    4. In any case, you can manage cookies through your browser settings.
  1. How to disable cookies

Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. The user can change these settings to block cookies or to warn that cookies are sent to the user's device. There are various ways to manage cookies. The user can refer to the instruction manual or the help screen of his browser to find out how to adjust or change the settings of his browser.

In the case of different devices (for example, computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), the user must ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to reflect their preferences regarding cookies.

  1. Cookies installed through the site
    1. Cookies essential for the operation of GustAbruzzo: they do not require the user's prior consent

      1. Technical Cookies
        Ownership Name Function
        GustAbruzzo PHPSESSID Tecnical
        GustAbruzzo PrestaShop-# Technical
      2. First-party analytical cookies
        Ownership Name Function
        Not Present Not Present Not Present
    2. Statistical and analytical cookies of third parties: they require the user's prior consent
      Ownership Name Function
      Not Present Not Present Not Present
    3. Profiling and advertising cookies: require the user's prior consent

      1. First Party (at the moment not present)
        Ownership Name Function
        Not Present Not Present Not Present
      2. Third Party
        Ownership Name Function
        Not Present Not Present Not Present
  1. Rights of interested parties

Under certain conditions, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") guarantees you the exercise of the following rights with reference to your personal data: access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, opposition, withdrawal of consent, portability of data.

  1. Protection of your rights

To protect your rights and protect your personal data, you can, at any time, decide to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (for Italy the Guarantor for the protection of personal data - Piazza Venezia, 11 - 00187 Rome; Tel . +39 06 696771; e-mail or to bring an action before the competent national judicial bodies.

Without prejudice to this right, we always invite you to contact us to exercise your rights through our contact channels listed in the following par. 8.

  1. Further informationi

GustAbruzzo, as data controller, with reference to the cookies installed directly from the Site, specifies the following:

  • the data are collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated in the preceding tables and are processed electronically;
  • the use of technical cookies does not require the user's prior consent as these are cookies necessary to allow navigation within the Site and the correct functioning of the Site itself. In case of removal of technical cookies through the browser settings, navigation within the Site may not be, in whole or in part, possible;
  • the data collected by the first-party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of GustAbruzzo as managers or processors, for purposes related to those described above.

GustAbruzzo undertakes to provide support to the user who requests to know how to exercise their consent / selective refusal or to delete cookies from their browser through the contacts listed in the next paragraph.

  1. Contacts

GustAbruzzo, as Data Controller of personal data, can be contacted at the following addresses:

Address: GustAbruzzo - Via Giovanni XXIII, 179, 66038 San Vito Chietino (CH).

In accordance with the applicable legislation, GustAbruzzo has also appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be contacted for any request or need related to the protection of your personal data through the following channels:
