
The types of Abruzzo pasta cuisine reflect the purely peasant character of a land historically with an agro-pastoral vocation.

Chitarrina, mugnaia, taccozze, sagnette and rintorcilo are the best known pasta shapes in a region that can boast pasta-making excellences equal to those of the most ancient Neapolitan culture. In past times, homemade pasta represented an activity, if not daily, however widespread in every family, where notions and rituals of preparation were handed down from generation to generation.

Modern pasta machines, and the accessories used to make it, are tools that only later became part of the habits of the Abruzzo housewives, who have been invented since ancient times to perfect the art of massing and cutting indigenous pasta shapes. The guitar for Abruzzo pasta, a famous accessory of local home cooking, is just one of the best known instruments.

Always handed down in the family, many pasta shapes are now rediscovered by the public thanks to the work of the Abruzzo pasta factories that continue to produce them, using semolina flour, rediscovering different types of wheat, from Solina wheat to Senatore Cappelli wheat and so on.



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